Friday, January 14, 2011

Can't live with 'em but damn sure won't live without 'em

If you couldn't figure it out based on the title of this post, I'm talking about women!!  Women, as much as I love them, are the treachery that has come to be my life. In my first post, I let out one crutial fact as far as evrything that I have gone through. That fact is that during each of those events, a women was somewhere in the picture!!

Now, I don't want to give off the wrong impression and make it seem like I'm bashing women. If you know me, you know that I love women and have fallen for a few in my lifetime. By no means would I trade the company of a woman for that of anything else. All I want to talk about is how women have always seemed to find a way to creep into my life and change things, for better or worse.

In my experiences, I've pretty much delt with every race of woman there is. Asian, black, white, caribbean, latina.... You name it. At the end of the day I've come to realize one common denominator between myself and these women.... The simple truth is that given the right touch, any woman can get me to pretty much do anything. I don't know what it is or what kind of weird power they possess over me, but they always seem to work their way into the picture at some point or another.

Now I also have to make it clear that aside from what you may believe about me, I am in no way shape or form any kind of player. I don't have women lined up outside my door or blowing up my phone all day. I'm actually still confused as to where people started getting that idea about me... Anyway... Like I was rambling... I need to figure out what it is that women are doing to me that they are able to essentially control some of my actions the way they do. It bothers me knowing that sometimes....

In my most recent experience, a woman kind or "fell" into my life. It was a completely random sequence of events that lead to us being very close. At one point I actually flew across the country last minute to spend some time with her. But that didn't go as planned by any means. We have since diluted our relationship/friendship steadily to the point where its become a "if we talk we talk, if we don't thenwhatever. Deuces" situation. At the end of the day I think its for the best considering the many complications that were behind everything.

Another thing that I have noticed is that at the end of the day, all of my relationships with women that have not worked out, have been due to something on my part. Looking back, i can honestly say that there were times in each situation where I could've done something different that would've changed the course of the relationship. There were other times where I shouldn't have done anything at all. I guess it's all a learning process that Im taking in and learning from my mistakes.

As my cousin always said "Live, Laugh, Love"


  1. "learning process" is the best way to say it (as you did) but I wouldn"t use the word mistake..because at these points in your life that you dealt with women, were situations that you premediated, and acted upon...which is the opposite of a mistake, but a choice that was made.
    Well like you and every other man out there, They love women, but men and women are meant to reproduce, not really to understand each other..LMAO

  2. I'm not saying that the relationships themselves were a mistake. I'm actually very appriciative of those relationships. It's my actions throughout those relationships which have typically lead to the dissuoution of said relationships that I'm calling mistakes. Most of which have been related to either being overly affectionate or to give off my typical sttitude of indifference. Somewhere along the line, it;s one of these two features of mine that have created some type of conflict and lead to a steady decline in the relationship
